

任务 & 指导原则

The UHS 健康促进办事处 leads campus-wide health promotion action to advance a culture of well-being, 培养学生繁荣, 并对学生的健康产生积极影响.


把学生放在我们工作的中心, 使用参与式方法吸引和扩大他们的声音.

  • 让学生参与到我们流程的所有步骤中, 从评估需求和收集数据到创建, 实现, 评估我们的项目和服务.
  • Identify student strengths and competencies rather than problems and deficits.
  • 考虑整个学生, 他们相互交叉的身份, and how their cultural filters shape their understanding and quest for health and well-being.




  • 帮助学生发展意识技能, 正念, 弹性, 平静, 验收, 和自我同情.
  • 强调以社区为导向和以同情为中心的护理, rather than assuming students have the individual resources necessary for self-care.
  • Create opportunities for students to experience connectedness, belonging, and purpose.


优先考虑循证干预措施, 利用UR的具体和国家数据, 发表的网赌论坛有哪些, 最佳实践.

  • Take part in ongoing data collection through quantitative and qualitative measures to best understand the needs of our students.
  • Disaggregate data sets whenever possible to recognize the various socio-ecological factors which impact access and outcome for individuals with marginalized identities.
  • 参与当前网赌论坛有哪些和最佳实践的持续探索.


Be collaborative, with the understanding that this work is far greater than our individual reach.

  • Recognize that cultivating a culture of well-being will be most successful with intentional collaboration.
  • Continually develop and foster cross-sector partnerships with campus 的同事们, 关键利益相关者, 以及社区组织.
  • 与他人合作,共同规划, 协调, 分享信息和经验教训, 创造一个共同的愿景, and identify new and innovative ways to embed well-being into university systems and settings.


Use settings and whole-system approaches to embed well-being into campus culture.

  • 调查不同的环境(教室), 学生宿舍, 学生空间)和系统(政策), 社会规范, 资源的分配)要么帮助,要么阻碍学生的发展.
  • Move beyond individual level interventions to achieve population and systems level change.
  • Commit to a comprehensive, inclusive, and progressive wellness model of college health promotion.

The UHS 健康促进办事处 is committed to fostering a culture which values diversity, 股本, 和包容. We strive to cultivate sustainable and impactful health promotion and well-being action that can be embedded into our campus community. Our work values the uniqueness of each student’s ethnic/indigenous/racial identity, 国籍和公民身份, 宗教信仰, 性取向, 性别与性别表达, age, 能力, 体型/尺寸, 以及社会经济地位, 资深地位, 以及这些社会身份的交叉性. 此外, we acknowledge that possessing these identities within environments where those identities are not fully appreciated, 受人尊敬的, or are actively undermined may have a significant impact on a student’s well-being and capacity to thrive.

We understand that we cannot effectively cultivate impactful health promotion without also recognizing the socio-ecological factors which impact access and outcome for individuals with marginalized identities. We play a critical role in addressing systemic and structural issues that perpetuate inequities on campus and prevent students from achieving optimal well-being. Our health promotion efforts center around a community development approach that is strengths-based and student-centered, 所以我们的程序, 服务, 这些举措最能满足我们多样化学生群体的需求. We commit to lifting up the voices of students with historically marginalized identities and engaging in shared decision-making practices within our office. 我们与学生合作, 的同事们, 以及拥有我们所缺乏的专业知识的外部组织, 保持谦虚,认识到我们是一种资源, 而不是解决学生福利问题的关键.

我们始终致力于为学生提供最好的服务. We acknowledge that this important work is a continual cycle of learning and action, 认识到并消除我们的偏见, 确定需求,缩小差距. 我们承诺会毫不留情地进行批判性的自我反思, 并且会优雅地承认错误, 认识到意图不等于影响. 这项承诺正在进行中. We promise to maintain a consistent focus on the interdependence between diversity, 股本, 和包容 issues which are necessary to achieve a campus culture of well-being for all students.

We begin by recognizing that the 网赌论坛有哪些 is located on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Onöndowa’ga (pronounced: Oh-n’own-dough-wahgah) or “the people of the Great Hill.在英语中,他们被称为塞内加人. The Onöndowa’ga People are members of the Haudenosaunee (ho-dee-no-SHO-nee) Confederacy, 由莫霍克人组成, 奥奈达市, 奥内达加人, 卡尤加人, 塞内加, 和Tuscarora国家.

We honor and pay our respects to elders both past and present who have stewarded this land throughout the generations, 他们的行为和精神都与这片土地紧密相连. 请花点时间考虑暴力的许多遗留问题, 位移, 迁移, 以及在这片土地上发生的种族灭绝.

仅仅承认土地是不够的. 这是一个与反思相结合的起点, 有意行为, 建立合作关系. We recognize that academia has a long history of harming Indigenous communities, 虽然我们是一个大型学术机构中的一个小办公室, 我们承诺采取行动, 无论是个人还是职业, 通过以下方式:

  • Offering land acknowledgements thoughtfully and intentionally at events and presentations we host.
  • 在我们的社交媒体平台上认可土著人民日.
  • Celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day by sharing community events with 健康促进 staff and encouraging them to attend.
  • 鼓励员工使用#HonorNativeLand虚拟背景 Zoom.
  • Post signs within the 健康促进 office area acknowledging the native lands on which our building resides.
  • Continue to understand and address the unique health and well-being needs of our Indigenous students.
  • Advocate for University land acknowledgement resources, continuing education, and policy development.
  • Continue to learn and discover deeper possibilities for decolonizing relationships with people and place.

Content for this land acknowledgement was developed with gratitude to the following resources: 美国艺术和农业部 and 本土治理中心.
