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Our Work

At the UHS Health Promotion Office, 我们知道,促进积极的幸福感是学生学业成功的基础,可以创造更深入的学习体验和有意义的参与. 我相信我们有责任培养学生茁壮成长, connectedness, mindfulness, resilience, grit, purpose, belonging, 还有自我同情,这样我们的学生才能变得更好.

而学生最终对自己的健康负有个人责任, 如果他们生活和学习的环境以幸福为中心,他们会更成功. Rather than self-care, 我认为我们需要强调以社区为导向和以同情为中心的护理. 这种方法将开始创造一种文化,使我们的生活环境, classrooms, programs, services, policies, and people all work together to support student well-being.

Our approach to health promotion is systems- and settings-based. 而不是仅仅关注个人层面的项目和干预, we will investigate how various systems (policies, social norms, allocation of resources) and settings (classrooms, residence halls, student spaces) either help or hinder student flourishing. We intend to work collaboratively, understanding this work is far greater than our reach, 与校园内的持份者及同事合作,共同制订计划, coordinate efforts, share information and lessons learned, 并确定新的和创新的方式,将福祉融入大学系统和环境.

这首个健康促进战略框架的发展代表了网赌论坛有哪些健康促进实践方式的有意转变. 我们的目标是为我们的校园社区创造一个繁荣的幸福文化, leading a collaborative and integrated initiative. Addressing the needs of a diverse student population, we aim to advance a comprehensive, inclusive, 进步的学生健康模式为所有学生创造了蓬勃发展的条件.


Amy McDonald, MS, CHWP
Director, UHS Health Promotion Office

健康促进办公室的工作围绕四个优先行动领域展开.  Their creation occurred after significant consideration and were intentionally guided by multiple surveys of students; focus groups with students, faculty, and staff; interviews with content experts; and a review of over 30 journal articles, white papers, and reports.

The Okanagan Charter 对我们优先行动领域的发展是否也有影响, 特别是当它涉及到倡导以福祉为重点的政策变化时, creating supportive living and learning environments, 透过健康教育计划,支持学生的个人发展, 培养一种幸福的网赌论坛有哪些,让学生真正茁壮成长.

For a full description of each priority action area, along with our key performance indicators, refer to our Strategic Framework below.

Create Supportive Campus Environments

The well-being of a student does not exist in isolation. 校园环境和生活在其中的学生之间有着不可否认的联系. The spaces where a student sleeps, eats, learns, and connects all influence their capacity to flourish. Therefore, 我们必须考虑如何创造有利于学生的校园环境, 而不是那些给他们的幸福制造障碍和阻碍的人. We will focus on six primary environments, 评估我们有能力通过我们的项目为他们注入幸福的方式, services, or other interventions.

Cultivate Student Flourishing

在解决学生心理健康问题时,我们的目标是采取全面的学生方法, identifying ways in which we can cultivate student flourishing, rather than solely focusing on the absence of depression, anxiety, or stress. 我们将利用社会情感学习的循证实践作为基础,为学生创建支持性项目. Building on that, 我们培养蓬勃发展的举措也将教会学生如何实现心理上的灵活性, incorporating mindfulness, acceptance, equanimity, gratitude, and valued engagement.

Advocate for Health Equity

To successfully advocate for health equity, 我们必须首先确定学生群体中重要的健康差异. 从一个强大的数据集开始,然后分解这些数据,将使我们更好地了解边缘化学生的需求. 然后,我们将能够探索改变和实施政策的方法, programs, services, 以及减少实现最佳福祉所需的机会和资源不平等的做法.

Support Personal Development

健康教育和疾病预防方案几十年来一直是健康促进办公室的主要重点, 它将继续是我们今后工作中不可或缺的一部分. 我们的目标是发展和创造机会,以建立能力和个人能力,使学生能够充分发挥他们的潜力. 我们工作的基础是以社区发展为中心的, 认识到我们学生的强大优势和能力. 我们必须期待我们的学生发现和定义他们的挣扎,并理解我们作为专业人士是资源而不是问题的解决者, 因为每个学生最终都对自己的健康和幸福负责.

这一战略框架是我们对健康促进处今后四个学年工作的设想. 它概述了每个优先行动领域的各种方案组成部分, provides outcome metrics and key performance indicators, 并与我们的校园伙伴讨论我们的集体行动计划. 有两个版本可供下载,一个是PDF,另一个是完全可访问的Word文档. For an overview of our strategic framework, see our HPO Strategy Overview.

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