

在线健康保险流程:2024年秋季注册现在 开放.

关于大学学生健康保险兰斯计划(Aetna) ——点击 在这里 了解更多信息

所有全日制学生参加 学生健康计划,其中包括强制性医疗费和健康保险.

除了强制性医疗费, students must have health insurance to cover services such as diagnostic laboratory tests and x-rays, 拜访专家, 手术, 住院治疗, 还有处方药. 大学健康服务提供大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna). 检查”查看计划详情,以获取福利清单和排除清单. 这个计划没有免赔额. The cost for the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna) was  $3612 for the 2023-2024 academic year and is $3,2024-2025学年为720人.

Students are required to either enroll in the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna) or waive this plan if their health insurance plan meets 大学保险准则. All full-time students must complete the Online Health Insurance Process every year to make the insurance selection. Requests to waive the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna) may be audited to verify coverage. 如果学生的计划不符合要求, the student will be automatically enrolled in the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna). 国际保险计划通常不符合大学的标准. 有关更多信息,请参阅下面的“与国际公司的保险”.

If you have questions about health insurance, you can write to the 大学保健处保险顾问 at insurance@uhs.罗彻斯特.edu.


每年都是全日制学生, 无论是新的还是返回的, must document their health insurance coverage by completing the Online Health Insurance Process during the appropriate open enrollment period. Students who enroll in the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna) are enrolled on the plan from August 1 through July 31 (January 31 if graduating in December). Students enrolling in 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna) may enroll eligible dependents. 同样的截止日期适用.

If you have questions about health insurance, please write to the 大学保健处保险顾问 at insurance@uhs.罗彻斯特.edu.


  • 秋季开放招生 - 6月15日至9月15日. Students who will be full-time in the Fall semester must complete the Online Health Insurance Process during the Fall Open Enrollment period (June 15-September 15). 如果你的弃权书在7月10日之前没有收到, then the health insurance fee will show on your fall tuition billing statement until you complete the online insurance process to waive the insurance. 请注意: Students who will begin their full-time studies before August 1 need to complete the process to enroll or waive the insurance in two steps. 请与 大学保健处保险顾问 寻求帮助.
  • 春季开放招生 - 11月14日至1月31日. Students who begin their full-time studies in January must complete the Online Health Insurance Process during the Spring open enrollment period, 到1月31日结束. Access to the Online Insurance Process during this time period is limited to students who are beginning full-time studies in January/February or who are returning to full-time status in the spring semester (i.e.(留学归来).

如果你的豁免请求被拒绝, you can appeal the denial or you can enroll in the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna). 上诉必须在9月15日秋季或1月31日春季登记者提交. 联络保健处保险顾问 insurance@uhs.罗彻斯特.edu 寻求帮助.

请注意: Students who will be studying abroad in the fall semester do not complete the online process during the Fall Open Enrollment period. 有关更多信息,请查看 特殊项目健康保险 页面.

未能完成在线健康保险流程 during the appropriate open enrollment period will result in the student being automatically enrolled in the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna) and charged for the full year (i.e.(8月1日至7月31日). Students eligible to enroll during the Spring Open Enrollment Period  who do not complete the Online Health Insurance Process by January 31 will be enrolled and charged for the remainder of the year (i.e.(一月一日至七月三十一日). You will not be allowed to disenroll from the insurance plan during the plan year unless you experience a qualifying life event (See “在计划年内更改您的保险状况” below). 以这种方式注册.e., not completing the Online Health Insurance Process) is highly discouraged since it could lead to a delay in access to care during the first two months of the plan.


如果你参加了大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna), 你可以在你的移动设备上保存你的保险卡的副本 安泰学生健康网站 然后点击“领取身份证”. 您将能够打印您的卡片和/或保存它的数字. 我们建议您将卡保存在移动设备上. The instructions on the site will tell how to download the Aetna mobile app to view your ID card on your mobile device. 安泰学生健康不再向学生邮寄保险卡.


如果你应该经历一个合格的生活事件(例如.g., 因父母或配偶失去保险, 孩子的出生, 婚姻, 离婚, or spouse entering the United States mid-year) during the year and want to enroll in the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna), 请与 大学保健处保险顾问 寻求帮助.

  • 您必须在排位赛后60天内填写排位赛生活事件表. 保险范围将在大学保健处保险顾问收到表格后的当月开始.
  • 提交合格生活事件表时, 您必须提供符合资格的生活事件证明(例如.e., 保险公司的信, 你的签证显示你进入美国的日期, 结婚证书, 你孩子的出生证明).


国际保险计划通常不符合大学保险豁免标准. 因此,我们建议检查 大学保险准则 在决定从国际保险公司购买保险之前要仔细考虑. Your plan must meet all of the 大学保险准则 to qualify for waiver of the University-sponsored insurance plan.


选修学生牙科 & 视力保险范围

继续2024-2025学年(8月1日), 2024 - 7月31日, 2025) Aetna is offering additional add-on coverage which students can elect to enroll in for dental and/or vision coverage. 可以在这里找到有关额外覆盖范围的信息 在这里 根据2024-2025年计划文件和福利.  有兴趣的学生可以这样做 在这里.



学生计划不包括常规的视力或牙齿护理. Adding vision and dental care benefits to the 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna) would significantly increase the cost for the insurance plan. 大学学生健康保险计划(Aetna)涵盖疾病护理, 事故, 或者眼睛受伤和先前声音受损, 天然牙齿(最高1美元),000 /年)计划.

常规视力护理: 在UR医学中心的Flaum眼科网赌论坛有哪些所 在附近的几个地点提供全面的眼部护理和光学支持.

常规牙科护理:在美国.S.在美国,常规牙科护理通常由单独的牙科计划支付. 伊士曼口腔健康网赌论坛有哪些所 (EIOH) on Elmwood Avenue by the UR Medical Center offers a Student Dental Plan for full-time students. 公开报名时间为9月1日至10月31日. 检查 EIOH网站 查阅有关计划的资料及申请表格.

伊士曼口腔健康网赌论坛有哪些所 提供全面的牙科护理. You do not need to enroll in the Student Dental Plan to use the services offered by the Eastman Institute for Oral Health. 一种成本很低的常规牙齿清洁方法是 门罗社区学院口腔卫生诊所位于东亨丽埃塔路.
